Em Roblin
Who Else Loves Running in the Rain
Who else loves running in extreme weather conditions?
Looks like I’ve recruited someone else into the fun...
Upon the start of a tropical torrential downpour, she showed up and said “are you thinking what I’m thinking? Let’s get our shoes on and go!”
In the pouring rain, it is the charging through the puddles at full speed- no avoiding them, no dancing around them, just charging through - that makes me feel like nothing can stop me.
Under the high noon sun, its the salty sweat getting into my eyes - blurring my vision - that powers me up, like “now it’s on!”
What about you?
Note, we’re just playing in our driveway here without masks, I wasn’t sure when I started running with a mask if it would work, but now have gotten used to it it felt weird doing it without it.