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Em Roblin programs and experiences

World-Class Programs 

Unique, memorable, and

transformative experiences

for the one and only you

Em Roblin experiences and programs

I run a range of programs, all of which are highly experiential in that you’ll learn by doing.


Some programs contain multiple components, such as workshops, group calls, action learning, coaching and peer coaching, etc where it's about integrating a program into your normal everyday life over three to twelve months typically. 


Other programs involve coming together for a shorter and more intensive period of time. These are retreats, adventures, events. They require you to step out of your day-to-day life and likely get on a plane. These are unique, memorable, once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and typically last anywhere from one day up to two weeks.


Figure out what’s right for you by reading more here.

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What will you get out of a program specifically? 

You will likely (but not be limited to) walk away from a program with:


  • A renewed sense of freedom and possibility

  • Improved relationships at work and at home

  • More sustainable, positive energy

  • More joy, play and connection to your free spirit

  • More aligned across different parts of your life

  • Improved habits for a healthy lifestyle

  • Less anxiety, more peace

  • Clarity on what you want and how you’ll go about it

  • Connection to a trusted tribe that want the best for you

Em Roblin feeling renewed
Em Roblin unique experiences

Thousands of people have gone through my programs around the world.

What makes my programs unique:

I’m comfortable to take you places that other people aren’t willing to go.


This makes each program and experience extremely powerful, unique and memorable. Magical even. You’ll be challenged. You’ll step way out of your comfort zone. I create a safe space but one where you’ll be uncomfortable. All of this is part of the learning journey which makes it all the more powerful and transformative.


You'll awaken to new possibility. 


If you put your full self in, you’ll take away what you hope to.  What’s even more amazing is that you’ll grow in some very unexpected ways. These unexpected ways of awakening to new possibility can often prove as the most critical in your growth process.


The connections you’ll make.


Each program and experience is carefully curated. The people you’ll be connected to will become an incredible new tribe for you. A global tribe with representation likely from many continents with people of different backgrounds.


Read more about how we are exclusive AND inclusive with our curation process below.

Programs are
Exclusive AND Inclusive

For 15 years, I have been partnering with global organizations to localize inclusion strategy into different markets around Asia. I have  a strong network of executives worldwide, and I’m deeply passionate and valued as an expert in inclusion. I personally curate the group for each and every program and experience I run. It’s about ensuring the group will be complementary to each other and also that each individual is ready for what’s ahead. That careful selection process makes us exclusive. That said, we are also inclusive. You will find our programs are global, and will bring people with very different backgrounds together. Ensuring the group is diverse across both inherent and acquired aspects of diversity is critical to forming that complimentary group. And how we operate fully embodies an inclusive leadership practice.


How do you know if you’re ready? Read more here.


If you want to find out more about how to qualify for a Program, click here.

Exclusive and inclusive experiences

Em is an authentic, free spirit who is empowering to be around. Her vision emanates what we’re about at Avenues – the architecting of lives that transcend the ordinary. It’s been an honor to partner with Em through her extraordinary experiences and to meet the incredible people she brings together.

Mei Wang

Global Director for China Campus Development and General Manager


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