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Coaching with Em

This is the deep-dive approach

Em Roblin sitting

Coaching packages

Dive into a transformative journey with Em Roblin. Whether you're seeking to amplify your leadership, thrive personally and professionally, or zoom out and gain clarity on where you're going, Em's personalized and intuitive coaching is your gateway to profound growth and transformation.

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Why Choose a Coaching Package?

1 / Customized Sessions and Guidance

Experience coaching that's meticulously tailored to your unique context. Receive relevant actionable insights and strategies to effectively navigate your personal and professional development.

2 / Flexible and Convenient

Structure sessions optimally to fit your schedule. You can book 90-minute deep dives or break sessions into smaller bite-sized sessions. You can also book ASAP sessions to process an urgent challenge, map out a strategic response to a situation etc. 

3 / Authentic Transformation

Embrace and cultivate a leadership style and life that’s genuinely yours, inspiring not just personal success but also empowering those around you.

What's Included

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Comprehensive Coaching

9.5 hours of dedicated coaching spread over six months, adaptable to your schedule.

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Ongoing Support

Benefit from continuous communication with Em via email and WhatsApp, ensuring you're supported at every step.

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Satisfaction Guarantee

Invest in your growth with confidence, backed by a full money-back satisfaction guarantee.

Start Now

Step into a future where you're not just achieving, but thriving.

What clients are saying

"Coaching with Em has been truly transformative! I struggled to find the right coach for me at my stage, but from the very beginning, I knew this was the perfect fit. Our sessions were intensely energizing, intellectually stimulating, and very inspiring. I am now embracing my authenticity with confidence and clarity and navigating challenging situations with far more composure. I’ve expanded my influence and built stronger, more genuine, relationships globally. If you are a high-achieving leader seeking to elevate your game and become the role model you are capable of being, work with Em."

Jennice Zhu

CFO, Fortune 500 Company

"Em’s coaching was invaluable. I was able to work through some challenging situations and come out with rich, practical insights that have greatly improved the dynamics of my team. Leading across difference, managing energy as a busy leader during such unusual crazy times, and being able to make sure I stay anchored in my purpose and connected to my inner compass – highly impactful, Em!"

Hajar Alafifi

Corporate Executive

Book Your Spot


with annual package

Dive deep into a year-long transformative journey designed for profound growth. 

$12,000 USD


with 6-month package

Accelerate your development with a focused six-month coaching program. 

$6,600 USD


with 30-day package

Kickstart your journey with a one-month exploration into thriving as yourself. 

$1,400 USD

Money Back Guarantee

We are confident that you will receive outstanding value. That is why we are willing to provide you with a Money-Back Guarantee. You have the option to request a full refund within 14 days from the date of the first session if you decide to discontinue the program for whatever reason. 

All rights reserved 2024

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